Tuesday, February 5, 2008

You can tell I'm new at this

I keep fooling around with the name, the layout, and I'm even having trouble where to find the "post a new post" button. So this is a good example of a new technology and the learning curve. I think most of us know the forgetting curve. If we don't use it within minutes of learning it, we will totally start forgetting all this stuff. I need to remind myself to use this every day. Or at least every other day. I need to practice what I preach.

So what do you think about technology training? Is it overrated? Would you rather just read a manual, or do you think it's worth finding an hour or two to really learn the technology? I wish I had more professional development time to learn and then actually PRACTICE using the technology. A quick one hour overview watching someone else show me how to use the new gadget is just too short. I don't think there's any easy answers on that one. There's never enough money, never enough time. Oh well.

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